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Developmental Screening and Consultation for Children Ages 2-5

Child Counseling

This service may be the right option for you if you have general concerns about your child’s development or behavior or if you are currently on the waiting list to see an early intervention specialist or a developmental pediatrician. Many children with developmental delays end up missing months of valuable intervention while waiting to be seen by a specialist while wait lists just keep growing.

Developmental screening and consultation does not replace a psychological evaluation**, but it will help you get a head start on supporting your child in ways that will meet their individual social, emotional, developmental and behavioral needs before they get a formal evaluation. It is possible to see positive changes and results weeks and months before you finally get your child in to see a developmental pediatrician or an early intervention team.  


The consultation consists of 3 visits:


Visit 1 (Caregiver(s) with or without the child) – 50 minutes

Office visit with caregiver(s) and child. During this visit, we will discuss your concerns about your child’s behavior and/or development. We will learn about your child’s strengths and challenges, and discuss your child’s developmental history as well as patterns of behavior in various settings (home, family outings, play dates, etc.) We may share some general recommendations and or resources with you in this visit based on the information you provide.


Visit 2 may include one of the following:

School observation – 60 minutes

With your permission, we will reach out to your child’s school or daycare/pre-school and schedule a visit. We will try to schedule the visit so that we can observe your child during both academic and social activities. This visit will also include collecting information from the teacher about their experience with having your child in their classroom. 

Office observation (if school visit is not possible). Caregiver(s) with the child – 50 minutes

We will observe your child and interact with them throughout the visit. We may spend some time observing the child interacting with the caregiver(s). We will gather additional information about your child's behavioral, emotional, social and other aspects of their development. 


Visit 3 (Caregiver(s) only) – 50 minutes

The feedback visit is typically scheduled 1 or 2 weeks after the school or the second office visit. We will meet with you without your child and discuss the outcome of the first two visits and provide written and verbal recommendations for parents to share with school and to use at home or how they will see fit. We may provide two sets of recommendations - one for school and one for caregivers. Recommendations for teachers are typically focused on meeting the child’s individual emotional, behavioral, developmental and social needs that may lead to improvement in the child’s behavior at school. Feedback for caregivers may include suggestions for adjusting their parenting style and discipline strategies at home as well as possible recommendations for child and family counseling or other professional services if needed.




3 visits:

$495 ($165 paid at each visit)

Includes: 3 visits, summary letter(s)


Additional commute fee for school visits:

Distance from our office to the child’s school

Up to 5 miles – $25

5.1-10 miles – $50

10.1 – 15 miles - $75

15.1 – 20 miles - $100 


School Visits for Existing clients:


In some cases, a school observation can be requested by a caregiver after the family had already started the process of outpatient counseling. The school visit may provide additional insight into the child's individual social, emotional, behavioral, sensory and neuro-developmental differences, which can help the therapist make recommendations for supports that can be put in place for the child in addition to outpatient family or individual counseling. 



Additional time is billed in 30 minute increments @$75/30 minutes

Commute Fee may apply as described above. 

 Summary Letter with Recommendations can be provided upon request for an additional fee of $50

*Office visits may be covered by insurance. Please contact us to see if insurance coverage is possible. School visits and commute costs are not covered by insurance. 

** Difference between Psychological Evaluation and Testing and Developmental Screening and Consultation:

A Psychological Evaluation or Testing is a thorough process of diagnostic assessment and screening usually administered by a doctoral level psychologist or neuropsychologist. A psychological evaluation typically consist of a series of formal or structured psychological or neuropsychological tests as well as clinical interviews designed to identify and describe emotional, behavioral, or learning problems. A full psychological evaluation may take up to 8 hours to complete. 

Testing and Developmental Screening and Consultation offered by Spectrum of Solutions is conducted by a Master's Level Mental Health Professional, whose scope of practice includes assessment of neuro-developmental differences and mental health disorders. The screening is designed to identify emotional, behavioral, and developmental problems in children ages 2-5 and the consultation provides feedback to parents and/or teachers regarding ways to support the child's current individual social, emotional, developmental and behavioral needs. Screening and Consultation usually takes up to 3 hours to complete.



If you have a general question, please call or text 


If you would like to request an appointment with Dr. Epler, please fill out this form and we will contact you to discuss scheduling:

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